God, man and talk radio

People who dismiss talk radio as a niche for conservatives are missing what has been really going on in American society – revival. Ronald Reagan called for revival many times, and now it is happening. Through one great on-air national dialogue, America is returning from mass confusion and meaninglessness to a time when life makes sense again – and when people can talk about it openly. Younger Americans might wonder what the fuss is all about. Haven’t we always been able to exchange ideas freely? Sadly, the answer is no. For much of the last century, traditional views were limited to Judeo-Christian programming, worship services or private dialogue. The basic tenets of traditional culture were not only rejected by the “mainstream,” but people who still adhered to them were themselves rejected. “Separation of church and state” somehow had become separation of church and everything – and especially, separation of church and media. It may be hard to imagine this kind of oppressive atmosphere existing here in a free country, but it did, and as a … Continue Reading