A middle-schooler’s anti-bullying manifesto

Not long ago I was visiting friends here in New York City and found out their seventh-grade son was something of a quiet hero at school. I hope many kids across America confront bullying the way Christopher did, but what makes this story different is that he later wrote about it. I was deeply touched by the simplicity of what he said and decided to publish it here. I thought of another friend, Paul Coughlin, who years ago started a group called “The Protectors.” Paul focuses on teaching kids to speak out against bullies. After all, a school’s real culture is what happens when the teachers’ backs are turned. And kids define that culture. What I’ve learned from Paul Coughlin over the years seemed fully realized in young Chris’ actions to protect a fellow student. I hope this seventh-grader’s story will inspire other children to speak up once their parents explain to them why it’s so important. It’s their school. It’s their conscience. It’s their life. Chris’ experience speaks for itself, and is the heart … Continue Reading