Trump vs. my Democratic Party’s fantasy politics

Now that we’ve entered the final phase of this nation-defining election, average voters are getting schooled on just how “sold out” the news media are for Hillary Clinton. But there’s a larger and more influential battle raging that we must also recognize. As my party – the Democratic Party – joins with “the fourth estate” to blunt Donald Trump’s momentum, they’ll have a major additional force on their side: almost the entire popular culture. This creates a problem not only for Trump, but also for America’s political future. When the giant voice of the pop culture sides with a policy issue or a presidential candidate, a false political reality is created in two ways. First, because the uniform views of the opinion makers create an illusion that everyone in the country agrees about something – when they don’t. And second, because those opinion makers – from actors to pop celebrities to daytime TV hosts – may not, in fact, be telling the truth about what they believe. Their views could result from peer pressure or … Continue Reading