Donald Trump: American hero, win or lose

No matter what happens in the election, Donald Trump has – in hero-like fashion – come forth to fight a dragon that for years left most Republicans cowering. The “politically correct” left and its media minions who rule over Washington usually terrorize dissenters. Yes, Trump has been scorched by the dragon’s flaming breath, but despite flaws, his courage, vision and unusual media skills have helped him fight back, bringing him through many trials to this final moment of decision for the American people. Few pundits can understand the huge and excited crowds that wait in line all day to be part of a Trump rally. As with any hero, his bravery has awakened others. And although this awakening may grow stronger in defeat, in decisive victory it will almost certainly overwhelm Washington, D.C. It has to do with the force of truth, which has an awakening power and is the natural enemy to all the lies that have kept us sound asleep, while our national “house” is on fire. Yes, there will be fierce resistance … Continue Reading