Feminizing the Black Beret

In 1993, a San Francisco law firm going about a normal business day suddenly found itself under fire. A maniac gunman entered the firm and starting randomly shooting people. As in the case of any sudden attack, the people at the firm reacted with confusion, and for 15 minutes the gunman wandered the hallways venting his murderous fury. As described by USA Today, Michelle Scully, a 27-year-old lawyer, was at her husband John’s law firm doing some research when the incident began. The couple found each other and fled down the hallway. Unable to reach an exit in time, they hid from the gunman who took the lives of eight people that day. The killer found the two newlyweds crouched against a wall in one of the offices. Unarmed and helpless, John Scully was determined not to let his young wife die. He threw himself over Michelle, covering her with his body, as multiple shots rang out. John Scully died. Michelle was wounded in the arm. Michelle Scully has since remarried and is raising a … Continue Reading

Imagine there’s a heaven

Imagine there’s a heaven – a place of truth and love. Start by imagining there is such a thing as “goodness” in this life, and then imagine we can recognize goodness because there is evil too. And we can see the choice clearly. And we can see that choosing evil leads to great heartbreak and destruction. And we can see that choosing good brings joy to life and to our souls. Now imagine you have a soul – a place of truth and love – something in you that longs for goodness, that longs for the God who made you. But imagine also that your soul is in a body controlled by other powerful senses, and in a mind which encounters other inclinations: Selfish desires, evil thoughts, compulsive yearnings, which if followed take you away from your goal and not toward it. And imagine these yearnings are powerful. And that you are not. Imagine that you hate seeing you are not powerful. Imagine pride. Pride is a thing that longs for power. It urges you … Continue Reading

Fascism, corruption and my ‘Democratic’ Party

Ten years ago, Newsweek magazine shocked mainstream America with a cover story headlined “Thought Police,” a lengthy report on a new social /political movement developed on college campuses since the 1960s. Ironically, one year after the Berlin wall came down and one year before the fall of the Soviet Empire, Americans were being seriously warned that liberal academia had adopted a hybrid “Marxist” philosophy often called “PC.” This new “Politically Correct” creed was being espoused, according to Newsweek, at hundreds of colleges and universities as a result of the growing influence of “a generation of campus radicals.” If they no longer talk of taking to the streets, it is because they now are gaining access to the conventional weapons of campus politics: social pressure, academic perks (including tenure) and — when they have the administration on their side — outright coercion … where the PC reigns, one defies it at one’s peril. (Newsweek, Dec. 24, 1990) After that, PC attitudes were heavily criticized, and even mocked, by mainstream thinkers all around the country, liberal and … Continue Reading