Wake up Democrats, our party is un-American

I have been a Democrat since my youth, as were my parents before me. So of course, I understand “party loyalty.” But as a talk show host and columnist, I’m able to spend more time following my party than most Democrats can with their busy personal lives. So when a Democrat candidate for United States Senate recently ran an ad referring to the “crazy Democrats” in our party, it didn’t surprise me. A few years ago, I was so alarmed I called for a “Democrat Voter Strike,” hoping to bring our party leadership to their senses. But now things have gotten radically worse, and I urge Democrats to vote Republican and send a clear message to our leaders. If this problem was temporary, or affecting only a few in leadership, I would still say vote Republican based on their disgraceful behavior during the Judge Kavanaugh hearings. But this has been going on for a long time – something younger Democrats need to know. And no matter what we hear in the media, our party’s current … Continue Reading

Guns and guts: Why effete media fear real men

Sometimes an event happens that has a meaning beyond itself. A few months ago, Sutherland Springs, Texas, experienced the worst church shooting in U.S. history. Dozens of people were killed by a 26-year-old with an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle. Thankfully, he was stopped cold by Stephen Willeford who lived nearby – and had an AR-15 of his own. Inside all this horror stands the secure knowledge of what one “good guy with a gun” can do if he has the heart. But it touched me also to learn that this hero (he says he’s not) had been an NRA instructor who spent much of his time teaching kids the meaning and purpose of firearms – and how to handle the responsibility. First I should say, I was one of those “kids” – I had learned to shoot during my middle school years, thanks to an NRA training program at summer camp. I got good enough to compete with other boys who lived in the Tri-State area surrounding Manhattan. By my senior year at Trinity School, I … Continue Reading

Open letter from America to the Iranian people

To the courageous people of Iran who have marched and martyred themselves for the great cause of freedom and justice: I am an American citizen who remembers well what a strong and good relationship there was 40 years ago between my country and the nation of Iran. I remember how your country stood with the United States as a bulwark against the expansionist evil of atheist communism. And I remember why you did – because I remember the shah of Iran, called Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, and how he stood up against that threat while also boldly leading Iran’s great civilization toward the 21st century as a trusted partner in the modern era! I remember your shah’s noble effort to maintain Iran’s faith while still raising up his people to better themselves through modernization, something well understood now by young Iranians who long for the technology and access they see in the outside world. They want the same freedom to fulfill their true potential. Modernization back in the mid 20th century was a revolution for … Continue Reading